Standard Communications Pty Ltd designs and manufactures a range of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) that are marketed globally under the GME brand.
As a result of market place feedback Standard Communications Pty Ltd has become aware of a small number of instances where GME EPIRBs have failed the self test procedure. A consequence of such failure may mean the EPIRB will not operate in an emergency situation.
Subsequent testing and investigation in the company’s Sydney engineering laboratory, identified a microprocessor malfunction that effectively shuts the beacon down, hence the self test failure. Detailed analysis has shown that the failures have occurred in EPIRBs manufactured in the 2005 – 2010 period; to date the overall failure rate remains low, never the less as a responsible supplier of safety at sea equipment, Standard Communications Pty Ltd has in consultation with National Maritime Authorities voluntarily elected to publish this precautionary safety alert. Continue reading GME EPIRB Precautionary Safety Alert